The electronic payment system is introduced broader and broader day by day throughout all the countries, thanks to the evolvement of the digital hardware and software. We can see no more hostility shown from the part of the currency authorities that have only dealt with the tangible fiat through the conventional banking system. Nowadays they even support the government need to expand the portion of the electronic transaction by the digital payment processors much more,for it to catch up with the new trend of the young people, with including them within the governmental banking hemisphere. These compromises come from their finding out of the cause of the interference in the digital transaction. It has proven incomplete only with the digital signatures, for not solving the double spending from the weak point of the internet payment processing that the duplication of the original ownership of the money can be easily fabricated in the digital system. That's why the 3rd party need to verify the transaction is the first and original spending and never duplicated. And so, we can not think the internet payment system without the trustworthy 3rd party. Until now, these roles have been executed by the private sectors. As the volume and the gravity of the digital banking transaction becomes larger and larger, the governmental or traditional banking institutions begin to feel out of date and their existence feeling shrink. However, there seems some room left for them to recover their dignity and that is their taking over of the 3rd party role.
But BitCoin, free from the double spending problem requires no trust nor any 3rd party. The function of the creation of the currency that mostly perplexes the central banks of the world apart from, the losses of them might come also from no margin left for them to meddle in the transaction of the BitCoin like the common digital payment processes.
In spite of the bewilderment of the bureaucratic authorities, the computing power that is indispensable for BitCoin evolve and develop greater and greater at the pace to engulf the whole globe.
Imaging at the near wondering future, you are invited to sign up at to be given the daily free BitCoin and other 9 kinds of the crypto alternate currency automatically deposited to your account and to withdraw to your local account.